Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Good Will Toward Men

Why did Jesus come to earth? The Bible tells us that He would bring peace on earth with good will toward men. His good will also towards us flows from us with good will towards other men. And wherever the gospel reigns and men submit themselves to Jesus Christ, there is peace and good will.

The world is still full of strife. There are enemies of Jesus, enemies of Christ’s Church, enemies of God’s people, who stir up strife and lash out at God and men. But God calls them to peace through Jesus Christ.
We see this peace here at this Table. He feeds us in the presence of our enemies, showing His good will towards us. And we eat, having made peace with God and man, revealing our good will towards Him as we learn to love one another.

Herein, in the body and the blood, is the good will of the God-man towards man and the good will of redeemed man to his fellow man. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

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