Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Effecacious Ceremony

I have been warning today about partaking in religious ceremony without the power of a changed life. If we insist on holding onto to our rebellious and idolatrous sins while at the same time professing faithfulness to Jesus, then we have a certain expectation of judgment rather than blessing.
However, I believe better things for you. You are come to Jesus Christ and Him crucified. In Him, you have entered into death and have been raised up to the right hand of the Father to reign with Jesus forever. In Jesus, you have been washed and cleansed, made holy by the Holy One of God. In Jesus, you have confidence, even though you continue to commit sins, because His Spirit abides with you and teaches you to love God and hate sins. Forsaking sins, you know that you have an Advocate with the Father for sins. By His Spirit, you receive the peace of Christ and humbly receive His invitation to sit and eat and to receive the blessing of the Father for all those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, being filled at this place at this Table, not only with this bread and with this wine but also with His Spirit. You eat at this place where there is no condemnation to you, only words of peace and comfort in Jesus.
So, come to Jesus, eat and be filled and give God the glory for His grace to you in the crucified and glorified Lord Jesus.

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