Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A House of Glory

Haggai talks about God filling His house with glory when the desire of the nations is revealed. It is obvious in the text that the rebuilding of the Temple was not the greater glory. That greater glory arrived in the person of Jesus Christ and was completed at Pentecost with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on God’s people.
          And now we get to gather each Lord’s Day, in the Lord’s house full of glory, with Christ in the holy of holies, in heaven itself, full of the glory of God.
          In the Old Testament, the saints longed for the Shekinah. But even after the Temple was built, only one priest per year got to go into that most holy place, and it was not necessarily a blessing. Moses’s face was veiled, even for a fading glory and the people could not look upon him. The cloud of glory followed be day and pillar of fire by night. It was was a protection for the people and are diving mark for the enemies.

          This is the glory we now have as we enter Heaven itself each Lord’s Day. It is presented to us at This Table, a Table of peace, a Table of Presence, a Table of Glory. No sun, no moon, just Jesus 24/7!

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