Saturday, February 25, 2012

Exhortation- Father sins

As we look at the character of God, the Father, we are confronted with our own failures as fathers. But we need not focus on the failures.  Our heavenly Father has been very gracious to us, surely far better than we deserve. We have a fine harvest of young men and women who are growing up to love the Lord, our God. We give thanks to the Father for this and pray that He would grant us many more believing children.
At the same time, we should admit that this is all grace from first to last. The fact that we have some clue about how to raise our children is a gift from God. But even though we do have some clue, we cannot fulfill the role of parents without God’s ever-abundant grace. And when we try to do so, we find that we really are clueless.  Even the best of earthly fathers knows that he has enough failures and sins against them to send all of his children to hell.  But thanks be to God, we do not have to live in that fear. Trust in the Lord your God. Confess your sins and seek His wisdom standing on the promises of God to you and to your children. This humility and confession, admitting that we are not capable of raising faithful children without the abundant grace of God, is one of the biggest means of grace to your children.
         So, do not be afraid to confess your sins in this area and pray that God will use this confession to shower grace upon grace to your little ones, now and always.

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