Friday, June 28, 2013

Heavenly Math

Matthew 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
One man’s soul is more valuable than all the riches of the world. This is the math of Jesus. How is your math? We do not have the temptation to hazard our soul for the riches of the world. Few Christians are in a position to hazard their soul for great wealth or fame or power. But we do have these temptations in small ways. We see that many Christians do not do their math aright. They hazard their souls at a much smaller price, for the sake of position in the corporate world, or power in politics, or for the alluring sentient pleasures purchased with riches. 
Do a thought experiment. What aspects of your faith in Christ do you hold back or even hide in order to advance your career, be seen as sophisticated in the corporate or political or academic world? How do you spend your riches on pleasure instead of in denying yourself and taking up your cross?
The flesh is not opposed to physicality. The flesh is that part of us which denies the Lord and takes up our way over His. His way includes times of refreshing and the Lord blesses us in body as well as Spirit. So, rest and pleasures are part of His gift to us. But when they become idols, then we are to utterly repudiate them for the sake of Christ.

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