Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Hope in God

Dear Saints, hope is a great encourager. We hope in or about many things. We hope our children turn out. We hope our boss notices our hard work. We hope our church meets our needs. We hope that God delivers us in times of trouble. Often, what we hoped for does not come to pass. What we thought was God’s will was only our own and we are crushed and disappointed.

What shall we do? We shall do like the Psalmist. We shall do like Job. We shall do like Jesus in the Garden. We shall put our hope in God. We shall appeal to our Father. He is the only safe place. We do not know the future. We hardly know the present. But we do know that Our Father loves us. We do know that He sent His Son for us. We do know that He grants forgiveness of sins, peace of conscience and joy in the Holy Ghost. Is your soul cast down? Hope in God.

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