Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pentecost Conviction

Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday when we celebrate the Holy Spirit’s outpouring not only upon the disciples but also upon the crowds who gathered to hear them. The Spirit gave the disciples the ability to declare with power the wonderful works of God. When they did so, they preached Christ crucified for sinners and the Holy Spirit convicted the crowd for their sins. Peter expressly says that they had a hand in the crucifixion of Jesus.
         If the Spirit is present with us, we should understand that this is the connection of our sins to Jesus on the cross. He died for our sins. Those of us who are in Christ already understand this but when we come to understand it again, each time it cuts us to the heart. We realize that Jesus died for sinners, for you, for me, and also He died because of sins, your sins and mine. This makes His death personal to us and it requires a response from us. That response is confession and repentance and His response to us is forgiveness.
         So, I pray that the Holy Spirit moves you to confess and repent of your sins, for Jesus went to the cross so that you can be freed from them and forgiven for them and stand before Him without guilt, shame or condemnation. May the Spirit now reveal any present sins that you need to confess to Him today.

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