Thursday, May 09, 2013

Humbled to Death

The Lord has been gentle with us. He certainly gave commands to us as He did to His disciples but He did not rule them with a strong hand. He told them the truth and then He submitted Himself to service of them, washing their feet, suffering in the garden for them and us, dying on the cross on our behalf. What God has said is true. He is righteous altogether. He is also holy and those who stubbornly refuse Him will one day receive His wrath and fury. But the Lord Jesus was patient with us and His kindness led us to repentance. His own humility in submitting to the Father’s will on our behalf, even towards those who fled from Him at His hour of need, is a testament to the kind of love and service that we owe God and one another.
         So, just as Jesus humbled Himself to death on a cross, so we humble ourselves, partaking of His death, so that we can also partake of His resurrection and life and that abundantly.

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