Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ascension Meal

Today, we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord Jesus to the right hand of the Father. Of course, every day is the celebration of this Ascension because every day we are to get about the work of God here on the Earth, whatever work you are called to. But sometimes we do just stand gazing into Heaven wondering when the Lord Jesus will come to us. Well, He has already come, He lived, He died, He lives, He rules, He is coming again. But until that day when He comes again in body, He is with us fully by His Spirit.
         We celebrate that fact here in this meal. The Lord Jesus is not up in Heaven far away from us. He is near through His Spirit. Even now, we partake of His body and His blood to remind us that He is with us, now and ever, even until the end. So, we must not stand gazing up into the sky. Rather, by His Spirit, we look around at our brothers and sisters and at a lost world that needs Jesus and we offer ourselves. We do this by His Spirit and by His power, giving ourselves one for another, just as Jesus has given Himself for us.

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