Monday, January 29, 2018

Are You Sure?

Are you sure that you are forgiven? Or unsure? Why should you be sure? 
I'll tell you why. Cause the preacher said. Cause the Bible said. Cause Jesus said. Are you going to continue to believe yourself over these reliable sources?
         In our church, we rightly talk about sin and the confession of sin, and you should not think you can rest assured if you have not been on your knees. But if you have been on your knees, and you do see the need for Jesus, and you do turn away from your sins and you do turn to Him, then believe. Believe me. Believe the Bible. Believe Jesus.

         There is no time to waste groveling in anything like extended misery, self-purgation, asceticism, tortured regret. Forgiveness is for sinners. You are one. So, get forgiven. Be forgiven. You are forgiven. Believe it.


Father in Heaven, the time for repenting is today. We confess our sins to You: pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust. Forgive us, Lord, and grant us Your grace and mercy to walk in newness of life by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen. 


Based on Psalm 111

O Lord God in Heaven, in this congregation, we praise You with our whole hearts, here in the assembly of the upright. Your works are great and sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. Your work is honorable and glorious and Your righteousness endures forever. You have made Your wonderful works to be remembered. You, O Lord, are gracious and full of compassion. You provide sustenance unto them that fear You and are ever mindful of Your covenant. We thank You in Jesus’s name. Amen.