Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Bent Knee Start

It is another new year. Many of you are making new resolutions. You want to eat better, get in shape, not be cynical, read your Bible more, pray more, excel at your vocation, love your wife as Christ loved the church, respect your husbands as if they were Jesus, love and discipline your children according to God’s standard, serve the saints without envy, malice or division.

These are all admiral goals. To the extent that they are good and wise or even spiritual duties, you should do them. But you will surely fail. Your 'want to' will likely not measure up to your performance. Is that anything new? Since when did we do all that we want to do or all that we should do? We are but dust and ashes. And our God is a holy, consuming fire.

Begin this year in the only safe and sure place, the place of humility before our Holy God. Unless you humble yourselves before Him, He will not raise you up. Before every endeavor, bow and give reverence to the Almighty. After every failure, bow and revere the Lord of glory. He will not despise the humble and contrite heart.

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