Monday, October 28, 2013

Needy, Humble, Feeble

We thank the Lord for His mercy and forgiveness. He knows that we fall into various sins and that is why He has provided a Savior for us, One who truly takes away the sins of the world. Although we all ought to be men, women and children of integrity, we do not claim to be good on our merits. We know that even in our striving to do right, we do wrong.
         Thus, we are often reminded of our gracious Father’s provision for restoration through Jesus. In Him, we have an Advocate, One who pleads our case before the Father, One who justifies us before all accusers, One who intercedes for us with groans too deep for words.
         God knows our frame and He has provided for us to come to His table, as children, needy, humble, and feeble. He receives us thus but does not leave us in this frail condition. He feeds us. He supports us. He strengthens us. He heals us. And then He sends us into the world as His saints. And for this, too, we give Him the glory.

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