Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Rejoice, O Dark Planet

This poem was part of my homily for our 
Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols. 

Rejoice, O Dark Planet
By  Virgil Hurt

His Spirit, His life, His glory, His light.
The Lord has come in power and might
To save the world from sin.

All the world now is shining
From the river to the sea,
With the glory of the angels chiming,
Christ the Lord has come to thee.

Rejoice, O dark planet,
The light begins to dawn.
The glory of the Lord has risen,
The shadows of death are gone.

Downcast eyes are now uplifted,
Weakened knees made strong.
Feeble hands in prayer have risen,
Famished lips filled up with song.

For the Son of God is born
In Bethlehem this night,
And every blessed child’s morn
Rejoices at the sight.

 Jesus, by name, O Savior mine
Has saved me from my sin,
And all the world from love divine
To Eden saves again.

Rejoice then with the angels,
Glory to God in highest stead.
The Father sent the Son
And death is nearly dead.

When the Son on cross is risen
Dreadful death to know,
Death will finally be given
The final deathly blow.

And when the Son to Father rises,
The Son in us will rise with Him.
The Spirit then Himself surprises,
To give us all Himself within.

And when the day for glory comes,
Our bodies raised in victory,
To Jesus all shall surely come
And praises to our king decree.

Then finally all the world will know
That Father, Son and Spirit show
The love of God to man
And man to God from Earth below.

And man will join the heavenly throng
To sing that ancient vict’ry song
Of peace on Earth good will to men
As all, in peace with God, things end.

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