Thursday, January 05, 2012

Exhortation- Be at Peace

Happy New Year Everyone! It is a common thing to make New Year’s resolutions.  There is a sense that in a new year you have the chance to start over and do better than you did last year.  Sometimes, these resolutions just heap more trouble on your shoulders as you make a list of new intentions and then fail once again to achieve them in 2012. So, I will not encourage you to make a list of things to do which will be a burden upon your shoulders.
          But there is a burden in this area that we carry that is not optional.  We should endeavor to be better children to our Father, more loyal citizens to our King and better representatives of the Spirit that indwells us.
          Some might put this burden on you in the areas of Bible reading and prayer or other spiritual disciplines and those really are spiritual duties. But I think the burden is both harder and simpler than that.  God calls us to dwell in unity. This unity reflects the character of the Trinity and is manifested in our relationships to one another.
          The burden this year as it is every year is to be at peace with God and man. As much as is possible with you, do not be the cause of strife and division with your spouse, your children, your siblings, your parents, your extended family, your friends, your neighbors. 
          Jesus said, my yoke is easy and my burden is light. So, if you endeavor to walk in the Spirit, He will enable you to be a peacemaker and not one who spreads strife. This kind of peacemaking and unity will reveal the rule of Jesus on Earth.
          To the extent that you have been the source of strife and division, you should confess your sins, ask God to make you new and begin to live righteously before Him this day and this year.

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