Friday, July 26, 2013

Glory to Jesus

In the book of Samuel as well as in our own lives, God’s glory is central. It is our chief end. We know this and yet as God blesses us and lifts us up, we sometimes let our glory compete with His. This mainly occurs when we simply forget to thank Him for all of our blessings.

At this table, the Table of Thanksgiving, it is easy to see that all of the glory must go to God. It is here that we celebrate death and Resurrection.

Like Lazarus in the tomb, there is nothing we can do about being dead. Dead bodies don’t pray. They just lie there and decay. But when Jesus calls us to life, we rise from the dead and come forth. Our death clothes come off and we begin our lives among the living. In such cases, it is obvious that we did not raise ourselves. If we are alive and therefore doing the things that the living do, then Jesus must get ALL the glory for we could do nothing without Him calling us to life. It is absolutely true that everything that we do should redound to the glory of God and without the life of God in us, we would have no glory at all.

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