Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Direct Access to Jesus

          I mentioned in my sermons on the Church that each one who comes to Christ at this Table comes to Him directly. This includes our children. If you are a baptized member of Christ’s Church, you are entitled to all the benefits of Jesus. It is not necessary for the father to guard the Table of the Lord. That is the duty of the elders. So, as we pass the bread and wine, it is fitting for the ladies or the children to take the bread and wine and pass it on to the family. We do not want the picture of the fathers as patriarchs at the Lord’s Table. Of course, if little ones are going to tip over the wine tray or eat all of the bread as soon as they grab it, then we want siblings and parents to intervene and teach them maturity. If you want to further understand our take on this, I refer you to my three sermons on the church and our practice in the CREC and at Providence Church.
         The main thing we want to picture in this meal is that each one of you have direct access to Jesus Christ by His Spirit in His Church.

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