Monday, March 25, 2019

Well Fed

Hagar and Ismael were perishing of thirst in the wilderness within sight of the well of their salvation. They simply had to look up to see that God had provided life for them. But their circumstances were too overwhelming. All they could do was sit down in desperation to die.

Ishmael called out to God and God sent an angel to deliver them from death.

You have come to church this morning for various reasons and in various conditions. Some in despair, some in joy, some in hope, some in pain, some in doubt, some in great faith but all of you within eyesight of the well of salvation.

All of the ancient promises of God, even the promise in laughing Isaac, were pointing at Jesus. Do you see Him? Here we are again at Communion, the Son of God, given for you. Do you believe this? If so, then you are well watered, well fed. The well of Salvation has been provided for you. Eat and drink and be filled.

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