Monday, March 25, 2019

Tangible Signs

God is kind to us. He knows our frame, that we are but babes in many ways. That is why He gives us tangible signs, water, bread and wine.
         In the water, we see that God has washed us from sin. The water washes the body but it represents the blood that washes the soul. If your faith is weak, remember your baptism, the water and the blood.
         He also gives us bread and wine. At Communion, we feast on Jesus Christ. To some, a macabre picture. But these things are Spirit and life. We receive Jesus, His broken body of death that satisfied divine justice. We receive His blood which cleanses us from all unrighteousness. If your faith is weak, remember God’s invitation to Commune with Him in the bread and in the wine.
         The water, and the bread and the wine; tangible signs of God’s grace, mercy and kindness extended to you in Jesus Christ.

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