Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Everyone Dies

Everyone dies. 
We have all been asking what the mortality rate is for the coronavirus. And there is wild speculation about that. We won't know until the dust settles.
A better question might be, "What is the mortality rate of man?" The answer is 100%. Everyone dies.
Of course, none of us want to die foolishly or needlessly. Although death is an enemy, we do not fear death. And in the end, when our bodies have been resurrected in Christ, and we have been alive for 10,000 years, then whether we lived an extra five minutes or an extra five years is going to be indistinguishable. 
And when we look back at all this panic and fear of the year 2020, we will have a hearty laugh. That is the power of Resurrection. That is the power of an endless life. Look to Christ.
Easter is coming.

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