Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Believe It All!

There are many ways to sin and turn away from Jesus. One, is to continue in sinful actions, drunkenness, lustful desire, lying to your parents, cheating your customers, as if the Lord had no idea what you are doing. You sin in the actions and you sin against God’s omniscient character.
         A second way to sin, though, is to refuse to submit to God’s almighty Providence over your life. You worry and fear and try to control every little thing and refuse to see God’s hand in the details of your troubles. Furthermore, you hold on to your worries and fears as if they were somehow the righteous deeds of the martyr rather than the sinful actions of disbelief.

         Believe that God knows all things and Believe that He is our God, in the details, in all things. This is how we practice the presence of God and this is how we find peace in Jesus Christ. Believe it All!

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