Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Courage in Christ

Life is not always easy. In fact, it rarely is. Most of adult life is fraught with difficulty. From the mundane (getting a job), to the extreme (dealing with severe and life threatening illnesses), trouble comes at us from every angle.
         Perhaps when we were young, the future looked all bright and rosy. We were going to get a driver’s license, what could be better than that? Go off to college and do what we want every day. No rules! Isn’t that the greatest? One day get married to the person of our dreams and then smooth sailing for 30 years until the grandkids come along. And the fact of difficulties and troubles never really entered our minds much. With the exception of a speeding ticket, studying for exams, and the trouble of finding a willing mate, childhood and early adulthood, at least for many of us, was pretty carefree.
         But adulthood created new reality. Bills, work, bosses, deadlines, relationship building, sickness, the joy and heartache of children and lots of suffering, along with great joys. Really, why did we think it would be any different than what it is? Maybe it is merely a grace that we did not think it about it too much when we were young. So, what do we do now, now that the reality of the difficulties of life have surrounded us, like so many enemies with the intent to harm us?
Pastor Strawbridge reminded us last week. We do not fear but rather, we put our confidence in God, are content with His providence in our lives, receive comfort in our troubles, and respond with courage instead of fear. I want to develop this more in the sermon today, but the gist of that sort of response is joy in the midst of sorrow. That is our call, facing God’s Providence in the power of His Spirit with courage. To the extent that we have not done so, let us confess our weakness and even our sins in this area, asking God to forgive us and to lift us up.

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