God Keeps Covenant
April 22, 2018
Lynchburg, Virginia
In just a few chapters of the opening of the Bible, we have seen God’s amazing work in speaking the world into existence. He created everything that we see. He is the ruler over all things. And He created mankind to rule the earth under Him. But in very short order, man failed to obey God and fell into rebellion.
But God chose Seth to replace the murdered Abel so that the promise of God would prevail. But even here, mankind was not able to obey God. They rebelled and the righteous line of Seth mixed with the rebellious line of Cain and the result was horrible violence and wickedness on the Earth.
It did not take long for this rebellion to fill the whole earth. Once the righteous line had been infected, it spread to all men. It is difficult for us to imagine how horrible that old world was. Think of some of the horrible places of the Bible. Sodom, where there was grotesque wickedness. Jericho, where the enemies of God persecuted God’s people. Even in Benjamin, where God’s people had been decayed to the point of vileness. Throughout the old testament, God’s people mixed with various pagans who worshipped false gods and sacrificed their own children by burning them in the fire.
So, even many years after the flood, when God had established His laws and worship in the land of Canaan, His people were horribly wicked. Now, imagine a world that was all of that all the time, no end in sight and no clear laws, lawgiver, or law keeper to police the land. That was the antediluvian world. That is a world without