Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Jesus Giant Killer

David was the man who slew the giant Goliath, Goliath who defied the living God and accused the brethren. David, the champion of Israel, defeated the adversary, severing his head in utter defiance. 
         Our champion, the Lord Jesus, the Son of David, has also slain the adversary. He has defeated the accuser of the brethren, Satan, and made a show of him openly on the cross. He has defeated sin and death and removed their heads so that they can no longer accuse the brothers.
         At this Advent Season, it is good for us to remember that the Savior has come to save His people from their sins and that this salvation means Jesus defeating every foe.
         Sin and death are our giants but we do not have to defeat them. The Lord Jesus has already done so and we must simply believe this, having our faith in Christ and being found in Him. No accusation shall stand against those whose hope is in Christ, Jesus.

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